Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

How to Display HTML Code into Your Post

To all of my blogger frnd, if you want to post any html code into your posting form, you can't post it emmediately, so you must encoding/parsing it before to craeate it into Posting mode. Now how to parsing it?

To parsing html code, we just to visit a web who provide a free service to encode our html code, such as, can also to use the others like:



By the way we can to install encoding tool/parser into our blog, that just a tool by Google. So, this widget is very2 useful, n then have u install it into your blog? You can see it like following

U can to try directly the tool above with your html code, how it work?...if you all interest to install it into your blog homepage (your posting form), you can use following code

<script src=";up_grows=1000&amp;up_conv1=1&amp;up_conv2=1&amp;up_conv3=1&amp;up_conv4=1&amp;up_conv5=1&amp;synd=open&amp;w=320&amp;h=200&amp;title=Post-Code%3A+code+converter&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C0px%2C1px+solid+%23595959%7C0px%2C1px+solid+%23797979%7C0px%2C2px+solid+%23898989&amp;output=js"></script>

The code's preview will like mine (my parser code), so if you don't like the style, you can to customize it, Click: HERE to customize it.

GoOd Luck []